SBD: Live Data
This screen shows data arriving for any of your subscribers with cloudloop set as a destination. You do not need to refresh this page.
The compact table view shows:
- Message ID
- Message Direction
- Created/Transmitted at Time and Date
- Length (Bytes)
- Payload (preview)

A more detailed view of your data can be seen by clicking on any transmission.
The expanded view includes:
- Message ID
- Received At Time and Date
- SBD Session Status
- Payload (detail)
- Approx Location (with link to further expand this view and reveal an embedded map)

SBD Session Status
Successful: The SBD session completed successfully.
Unacceptable quality: The MO message transfer, if any, was successful. The reported location was determined to be of unacceptable quality.
Approximate Location
Whenever we receive a packet from the Iridium satellites, we also receive an approximate position of the unit. This is based on doppler shift calculations from the Iridium satellites themselves and varies wildly in accuracy. Some positions can be within 1-2km, some can be as inaccurate as 200km. We show the circle of precision on the map, to give you an approximate location of your unit.

Updated over 4 years ago